Sweden, Baltic Fund for Nature, Karelian Research
Center of RAS "Ancient City" Fund (Olonets)
project is financed by Swedish International Development
Coordinators: Dr. Ola Jennersten (WWF Sweden), Vicki
Lee (WWF Sweden), Dr. Rustam
A. Sagitov (BFN),
Sergey Resvyi (BFN) Inga Gurilova (Ancient City)
Project implementation:
2003-2004 (first stage), 2005-2006 (second stage)
of the project "Improvement
of agricultural practices in Eastern Ladoga", realised
in Olonets in 2000 - 2002 are both impressive and
promising. The project demonstrated that agriculture
and rational use of natural resourses constitute
the basis for the Olonets district wellbeing. That's
why main idea of the new project is to support the
wide range of activities aimed at sustainable
development in the district. The specific
project aim
is to activate the economic interest of the local people and thereby increase
their level of involvement and motivation to preserve their local natural
treasures. Within
the current project main stress is made on the training
of local people and dissemination of the ideas of nature
conservation and sustainable
way of life. To the project wep-page ->
Main project activities
and results (2003-2004):
management - Improvement of existing
agricultural practicies. Indicator bird species survey.
for local farmers and administrators on environmentally friendly grassland management
- adaptation
of Swedish experience
(seminars were
prepared and leaded by Niklas Bergman - Scanagri, Sweden).
- 27-28 September 3003, Olonets - 03-04 April 2004, Olonets
Study tours: - 15-20 June 2004 - Sweden -
15-20 August 2004 - Estonia (experience
of Väinameri
- joint project of WWF Sweden and Island and Coast Research Centre Arhipelaag, financed
by SIDA) 30 persons participated in the seminars
and study-tours - among them are employees of large
farms (previous sovkhozes), individual farmers, representatives
of other agricultural enterprises and Government of
the Republic of Karelia.
Although there was no direct financial support
of local farms during this project, the positive changes are quite obvious,
especially in the state farm Iljinskoe which is the main agricultural project
partner. These changes have been in a large extent determined by catalyzing
effect of success story of WWF Sweden/BFN activities in Olonets district.
changes in the state farm Iljinskoe: •
Milk productivity in Iljinskoe has grown from 3260 kg/cow in the year
1999 up to 4700 kg/cow in the year 2002 and 5800 kg/cow in the year 2004 (best
result among Karelian farms!), i.e. by 78% during 5 years. •
Yearly increase of fodder (hay/silage) storage in Iljinskoe amounted 2 –
5 thousand tons during 2002 - 2004. As a result, after the year 2002 the farm
does not need to bye forage from outside and is able to sell surplus forage. •
Iljinskoe farm recultivated more than
500 ha of old
hayfields in 2003 - 2004. •
During the years 2002-2004
Karelian Government provided a considerable financial
support to the Iljinskoe farm
(for the first time during the last years) for field melioration and renovation of milking equipment. •
Correspondingly, the new jobs (at least 15) were created during the
melioration work period. •
From financial point of view, the farm’s debit is currently several
times more than credit, the salaries are steadily growing. •
Now there are
850 milk cows in
Iljinskoe, and it is planned to increase
this number.
Long-term monitoring of migrating and breeding
birds on Olonets fields is realised by Karelian
Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science (Petrosavodsk,
Karelia, Russia ), scientific group leader: Dr. Vladimir
B. Zimin. The
principal conclusions of the survey is that both
migrating and breeding birds positively react on restoration of agricultural
lands on the study area. Migrating birds prefer to stay on the fields where a
drainage system is restored and bushes along the drainage ditches are cut out.
During the last 4 years (after starting the field restoration made by Iljinskoe
farm with a support of WWF Sweden) the number of geese on the improved fields
has grown. Fields which are not restored but still exploited show the
slight tendency of decreasing bird numbers. Fields not exploited during the
last decade became now useless for geese and other birds of opened landscapes.
The First
Milk Festival was orginised in Olonets on the
August 2004.
The festival was initiated by local project partners
and was supported by the Government of the Republic
of Karelia and district administration. Baltic
Fund for Nature welcomes this initiative, as we
are sure that such events are very important for the
promotion of rural areas, uniting local people and attraction of attention
of the wide audience to the agricultural issues.
Small-scale tourism
- Development of nature and ethnographic tours.
Marketing and network development.
Study tours for local enterpreneurs dealing
with tourism - 23-28
August 2003 -
Estonia (Väinameri
project area) - 23-29 May 2004 -
Seminars on tourism development
in the district using Swedish and Estoinian experience
27-28 October
2003, Olonets (seminar was prepared and leaded by Jan
Wigsten - Nomadic Journeys Ltd., Sweden;
Lia Rosenberg - Centre Arhipelaag, Estonia) - 11-12 December 2004, Olonets (seminar
was prepared and leaded by Jan Wigsten - Nomadic Journeys
Ltd., Sweden) 16 persons interested in tourism development
in the district (owners of village houses willing to accommodate
tourists, nature interpreters, hotel managers and designers)
took part in seminars and study tours. Several
families in different villages around Olonets started
to accommodate tourists in their houses in 2003-2004.
Two nature trails have been elaborated: to the goose
fields and in the vicinities of Nurmolitsy village.
handicraft production - Supporting local craftsmen.
Development of market opportunities.
Seminars for local craftsmen on traditional handicrafts
development in the district using Swedish and Estonian
experience (seminars were
prepared and leaded by Eva Anderson and Charlotte Hellsten-Husman
- Stockholm County Council, Local Government of
Culture, Sweden). - 6-7 November 2003,
Olonets - 28-30 August 2004,
Study tour for Olonets craftsmen
devoted to
expierience of local handicrafts revival - 13-18
September 2003, Estonia (Väinameri
project area) 32 local craftsmen and artisans
as well as specialists from Olonets National Museum participated
in seminars and study tour.
Environmental education
- Organisation of seminars for local school
Teachers from Olonets district were trained on seminars
organised in April-May 2003 within the framework of
international program NatureWatch
Using experience from international
seminars they prepared and conducted in August 2003
- December 2004 nine seminars in Olonets. Local school administrators,
primary and secondary school teachers, kindergarten
teachers and school librarians participated in seminars
(in total 83 representatives from more than 25
educational institutions). Excursion
to the Nizhne-Svirsky Nature reserve was organised for
schoolchildren who actively participated in the program.
Public awareness
Annual environmental
festivals "Olonia - the Goose Capital"
became traditional in Olonets. Presentations of
representatives of nature conservation and scientific
organisations, perfomances of folk ensembles, competitions
for children and adults, excursions to the goose fields
guided by professional ornithologists are included into
the festival program. Traditionally agricultural
fair is organised in Olonets within the framework of
the festival. In 2004 during the festival first boat races on Olonka
river were organised. - 26 of April 2003
- third festival - 08 of May 2004 - forth festival
International Symposium "Management and conservation
of waterfowl populations in Norhtern Eurasia"
was held in Olonets in 23-28 of April 2003 and focused
on the development of cooperation of scientists, conservationists
and hunetrs from Russia and West European countries.
It is jointly organised by the Institute of Biology,
Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Science
and Goose, Swan and Duck Group of Northern Eurasia -
NGO focused on waterfowl research and conservation activities
in Russia and NIS. The Symposium was also supported
by the project.
of Green magazine "Rostok" ("Sprout") was started in
Olonets. Articles devoted to natural heritage of Olonets
land written by scientists, conservationists, schoolteachers
and children are presented in the magazine. 4 issues
of "Rostok" were published in 2003-2004.
updated: 12.02.2005