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Struggle against fake information about events in Ukraine
Updated: 5 days 17 hours ago

The Remorseless

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 18:29
By EUvsDisinfo Lavrov and pro-Kremlin propagandists continue their macabre dance on the graves of innocents, revealing once again the true, cruel nature of Putin’s regime. The more monstrous the crime, the less appetite the Kremlin and its henchmen show for remorse. Instead, they continue their macabre dance on the graves of those whom the Russian […]
Categories: World News

Homegrown Terrorism: Putin’s Dirty Secret

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 15:31
By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA Some Russian propagandists have broken with the Kremlin narrative by questioning if NATO and Ukraine are behind an upsurge in terrorist attacks. The June 23 attack on police, churches, and a synagogue in Dagestan, which killed 20 and wounded 46, created an unexpected reaction in the Russian media. A series of propagandists, Telegram […]
Categories: World News

MH17: Ten Years of Russian Lying and Denying

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 13:49
By EUvsDisinfo July 17 marks the 10-year commemoration of the dramatic event in which Russia fired a BUK 9M83 surface-to-air missile from the temporarily occupied territories in Ukraine to shoot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, killing all 298 civilians on board. The Netherlands and Australia have established that Russia is responsible for the deployment of the Buk […]
Categories: World News

Hospital bombing was latest act in Russia’s war on Ukrainian healthcare

Mon, 07/15/2024 - 14:39
By Olha Fokaf, for UkraineAlert The bombing of Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital in Kyiv on July 8 has sparked a wave of global condemnation, with US President Joe Biden calling the attack a “horrific reminder of Russia’s brutality.” Meanwhile, others have noted that this latest airstrike was not an isolated incident. “Once again, Russia has deliberately […]
Categories: World News

Barely a Wobble: Russians Trust Tsar Vladimir

Mon, 07/15/2024 - 14:15
By Walter Clemens, for CEPA Russian public opinion is not very different from the 19th century. The tsar can do no wrong. Problems are blamed on administrators, or things that can’t be changed. Unlike the serfs, freed in 1861, today’s Russian population is literate and has access to books, periodicals, and computers to find the facts […]
Categories: World News

Photo Fake: Ukrainian Soldiers Pose with a Swastika Flag

Sun, 07/14/2024 - 11:12
The photo shared online is fake. Several programs for analyzing the image authenticity indicate that the photo was modified or generated by a computer program. In addition, the original source of the photo is an English-language Telegram channel, which is supposedly pro-Ukrainian, but writes approvingly about the «radical right-wing movements flourishing in Ukraine».  Moreover, Ukraine […]
Categories: World News

Seeking Rifts and Launching Missiles

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 18:41
By EUnsDisinfo The Kremlin knows that even its most vicious intimidation tactics, like launching a cruise missile against a children’s hospital, will not break Ukrainian resistance as long as EU and NATO support continues. For that reason, a core goal of disinformation campaigns is to exploit any real or imaginary crack in the unity of […]
Categories: World News

The Kremlin Mobilises the Church for War… for Africa

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 18:14
By Olena Snigyr, Ph.D, for EUvsDisinfo In its confrontation with the West, Russia seeks allies among the countries of the Global South, particularly in Africa. Recently, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) has become involved in this effort. On 29 December 2021, the ROC decided to establish its own exarchate in Africa, encompassing all African countries. […]
Categories: World News

“Russia has come forever” and Ukraine will “disappear soon” – what Russian narratives Ukrainians in the occupied territories are constantly facing

Wed, 07/10/2024 - 20:03
In attempting to occupy Ukraine, Russia is primarily fighting to occupy the thoughts and decisions of Ukrainians. Wherever Russian troops arrive, one of the Kremlin’s first tasks is to occupy this information space and make its narratives dominant. In the temporarily occupied territories (TOT), Ukrainians – some for three years, others for 10 years – […]
Categories: World News

Freedom for Assange is Defeat for Russia, say Putin’s Mouthpieces 

Tue, 07/09/2024 - 19:24
By Julia Davis, for CEPA The Australian hacker Assange has been freed and returned home, but there is no joy among his Russian admirers. Julian Assange was freed from a British high-security prison on June 25, flown to a US Pacific island, where he pleaded guilty to a charge of espionage and returned home to Australia.   His […]
Categories: World News

Who’s Really in the Shadows?

Wed, 05/29/2024 - 18:57
By EUvsDisinfo Most people are naturally suspicious. And that’s not a bad thing. In fact, our innate inclination to doubt and question everything we experience may well be one of the core reasons behind the survival and flourishing of our species since the dawn of time. Whether it was the inclination to turn down an […]
Categories: World News

Fake: Ukrainians Believe Zelenskyy Is «Usurper»

Wed, 05/22/2024 - 16:13
Holding the presidential election in Ukraine in 2024 is complicated by the martial law in the country. Ukrainian law allows for the postponement of presidential elections in such circumstances. Russian media and social media users are actively promoting the thesis that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is «illegitimate» due to the fact that if it were not […]
Categories: World News

Fake: Five Years Ago, Russian Language was Banned in Ukraine and Linguistic Genocide Has Began

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 19:24
The legislation in Ukraine regulating the use of the Ukrainian language does not apply to personal communication or religion, and does not provide for any criminal liability for violations of its norms, «language patrols» or «language inspectors», as propaganda claims. Ukrainians themselves do not see any harassment of Russian-speaking Ukrainians, as evidenced by the results […]
Categories: World News

Serbian Propaganda Factories Boost Support for Moscow

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 18:29
By Leon Hartwell, for CEPA As Serbian media outlets stoke support for Russia across the Balkans, the West must challenge Belgrade’s disinformation. When Ukraine’s first lady, Olena Zelenska, arrived in Belgrade on May 12, one media outlet described it as “a signal of the Balkan country’s swing away from Moscow.” Another drew a similar conclusion. But most Serbs across the […]
Categories: World News

A Glorious Future Awaits

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 18:15
By EUvsDisinfo In Georgia, the Georgian parliament passed the controversial ‘foreign agents’ law, triggering widespread demonstrations in the streets of Tbilisi. Protests were met with unwarranted police brutality that has since been condemned by the EU. The Kremlin’s response was as predictable as always – accusing the West of inciting unrest and slinging unfounded allegations about ‘double standards.’ Don’t […]
Categories: World News

Georgia: Resilience in action

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 17:39
By EUvsDisinfo When protestors took to the streets of Tbilisi first in March 2023 and then again in April 2024 to express their opposition to a draft law on foreign agents, later renamed as the draft law on transparency of foreign influence, which was quickly dubbed as the Russian law, winding its way through parliament, […]
Categories: World News

Fake: France Suspends All Muslim Police Officers from Accompanying Olympic Torch Relay – TF1

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 15:50
A story has been fabricated. The TF1 news channel did not publish such stories on its website or in social media. Information is being spread online that in France, due to the terrorist threat, the authorities allegedly decided to remove Muslim police officers from accompanying the Olympic torch relay. «The country has decided to remove […]
Categories: World News

Fake: EU Will «Collapse» after European Parliament Elections

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 10:35
European sociologists have recorded that the positive image of the European Union among EU citizens has reached its highest historical level. The vast majority of Europeans agree that their country will benefit from EU membership. Russian propaganda continues to promote disinformation in an attempt to interfere with the democratic processes of the European Union. Propaganda […]
Categories: World News

Fake: Before Blinkin’s Arrival, Pizzeria Removes Nazi Chevron and a Photo of the Burning Trade Unions House in Odesa from Its Wall — Photo

Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:01
Photographs shared online were edited. Anthony Blinken visited the Veterano Pizza pizzeria in Kyiv on May 14, founded by an ATO veteran. Subsequently, information began to spread online that right before the Secretary of State visited them, the establishment allegedly removed from the wall a photo of the burning Trade Unions House in Odesa, which […]
Categories: World News

Russia’s Georgia strategy offers hints of Kremlin vision for Ukraine

Wed, 05/15/2024 - 02:13
By Nicholas Chkhaidze, for UkraineAlert Recent efforts by the Georgian government to adopt a Kremlin-style law imposing restrictions on civil society have laid bare the geopolitical struggle currently underway to define the country’s future. The escalating crisis in the southern Caucasus nation also offers some indications of the end game Russia may have in mind […]
Categories: World News